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‘Chicken‘ gets four years in coop for burglary

‘Chicken‘ gets four years in coop for burglary

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A 34-year-old resident of Diamond/Colonarie is now serving a sentence of four years in prison for burglarizing a dwelling house and a liquor and provision shop.

The business place and dwelling house of Hazel Durrant of Colonarie were broken into and Jason Lawrence, alias ‘Chicken,’ was seen on her premises.

The matter was reported to the Colonarie Police Station on Wednesday, September 6. One gold plated earring valued at $25 EC, US$1,150 in cash and EC$546 in cash and coins were reported stolen.

The police went in search of ‘Chicken,’ who was seen walking along the public road at Diamond in an area called “Cut Open”.

As he was approached by police, ‘Chicken’ managed to escape through a series of plantain fields. A road block was set up in the North Union area, where ‘Chicken’ was found to be a passenger on a truck headed into Kingstown. When he was searched, on his person were the pair of earrings, US$1,150 in his socks, the EC notes in his pocket and the coins in his backpack.

He was arrested and charged by PC 881 Gaymes and taken before Magistrate Rickie Burnett at the Colonarie Magistrate’s Court on September 7. Lawrence has a range of previous convictions such as burglary, theft and possession of cannabis.

He was found guilty and sentenced to four years in prison.(CJ)