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Orange Hill woman fined $1,000 for traffic violations

Orange Hill woman fined $1,000 for traffic violations

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A woman who was learning to drive without following the required protocols has been fined $1,000.

Shameika John of Orange Hill appeared before magistrate Rickie Burnett at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on November 6, charged that on October 31, 2017, she drove motor vehicle PC 933 without insurance or third party risk and without a valid driver’s licence.

The court heard that on October 31, Station Sergeant Junior Nero was on duty patrolling the Georgetown district and was approaching Rabacca, when he noticed a car driving slowly.

Nero drove alongside the car and saw John in the driver’s seat, while a male occupying the passenger seat was holding on to the steering wheel.

When questioned by the magistrate, Browne said she was learning to drive. Burnett informed her that when a person is learning to drive there must be a tutor and the letter “L” must be displayed at the front and back of the vehicle.

For driving without a permit, John was charged $300, and for driving without insurance, she was charged an additional $700. If she fails to pay the fines, she will spend one month in prison on each charge. She was also disqualified from being the holder of a driver’s licence for 12 months.(GHJ)