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Man ordered to pay $700 for stealing $200

Man ordered to pay $700 for stealing $200

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What goes around came back around in the form of a fine and a compensation order for a 20-year-old, who admitted to stealing his co-worker’s money.

The young man, Gersham Glasgow, appeared before the Serious Offences Court last Friday, charged with stealing $200, the property of Davis Jackson. Glasgow pleaded guilty to the December 27, 2017 offence.

The complainant, Jackson, who works as a supervisor at Massy Stores said in his statement that he had arrived at 8 a.m. for work, went to his office and placed his work bag, which contained $200, in his chair.

Glasgow then approached him on the premise that he needed to search for some documents. The complainant obliged, but the search produced nothing. After a short bathroom break, Jackson said he met the defendant still searching for the documents and noticed his wallet on the floor. When he went through his wallet Jackson noticed that $200 was missing, which prompted him to make a report to his supervisor and, subsequently, the police.

When the Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias asked Glasgow what he did with the money, he said he had spent it. This did not impress the Chief Magistrate, who said that he just went and took the money and “this is your co-worker.”

She decided to issue a compensation order for $200 to be paid to the complainant and a fine of $500, both to be paid forthwith. Inability to pay the $700 forthwith would result in the defendant having to spend four months in prison.(KR)