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Prosecutor mitigates on defendant’s behalf

Prosecutor mitigates on defendant’s behalf

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The prosecutor at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court earlier this week mitigated on behalf of a defendant in a matter he had just prosecuted.

Delroy Tittle, at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court, asked magistrate Rickie Burnett to consider the redeeming qualities of Rohan Moore, who had been found guilty of theft of citrus and criminal trespass on January 15, 2018.

“He has no previous conviction, your Honour and at 38 years of age to have no previous conviction is a plus on his part. He is gainfully employed. I think that he should pay for the goods, unless the court deems otherwise, I cannot overrule the court,” Tittle said.

“I noticed you are mitigating on behalf of him (the defendant), Burnett responded.

“I am talking on behalf of the court,” Tittle said.

“It is rather strange that you just prosecuted and now mitigated. It was a job well done,” Burnett observed and commended the prosecutor.

Moore was ordered to pay compensation of $104 to the complainant Bertram Rose, which he paid forthwith. He was also fined $750, which he must pay by March 31, or he will go to jail for six months.(GHJ)