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Teen to do four months community service

Teen to do  four months  community service

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A third form student of a rural secondary school has been reprimanded by the court and ordered to perform community services.

The Colonarie Magistrate’s Court, on March 1, heard that on February 27, the principal and teachers of the school conducted a random search at the institution and a knife with a brown handle was found in the student’s possession.

The police were called in and the young man was subsequently charged for having in his possession an offensive weapon.

The 15-year-old told the court that he had been previously attacked by five boys, one of whom is a student at his school. He told the court that the boys had also attacked him and his mother on another occasion and a report was made to the police.

“You should be carrying books in your schoolbag, not knives,” magistrate Bertie Pompey told the defendant.

“I am minded to order you to do community service,” he added.

Prosecutor Delroy Tittle rose, adding, “and suggest that the young man be counselled. He needs to be guided along the right path. I couldn’t help but hear his mother telling him ‘Ah fed up ah nuh, ah fed up ah yuh’.”

It was revealed that the youth had previously appeared before the court; however, Tittle asked that the boy’s reputation not be tarnished with a record, considering his age.

“Boy, you won’t meet it easy like that every time. Change your ways; change your ways!” Tittle sternly said.

Standing in the dock besides her son, the boy’s mother said she didn’t recognize the knife.

The teen told the court he found it where he normally catches his bus.

Magistrate Bertie Pompey reprimanded and sentenced the teen to report to the Georgetown Police Station on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon, for the next four months, during which time he will perform community services.

“If you miss one day, something else would be imposed,” the magistrate warned the teenager, who is expected to re-appear in court on July 5, after completion of his community service.(GHJ)