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Vermont man on $6,000 bail

Vermont man on $6,000 bail

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A 41-year-old man, previously unknown to the court, has managed to rack up three charges and one conviction, all occurring in less than a month.

Kiron Ollivierre-Robertson was charged before the Serious Offences Court this Monday, that he, on March 4 in Vermont, armed with a firearm, did unlawfully threaten to discharge said firearm at Albert Delplesche. On the same date, he is further charged with assault against Delplesche.

Eleven days later, on March 17, he was charged with possession of 184g of cannabis with intent to supply. Robertson pleaded guilty to the charge of possession, but a clear plea of ‘not guilty’ was entered for the alleged offences against Delplesche.

The cannabis was allegedly found in defendant’s bedroom, buried in the depths of a folded mattress, last Saturday, when police executed a search warrant at his home in Vermont.

“Officer, ah weed,” Robertson is said to have admitted.

His defence attorney, Richard Williams, in mitigation, described his client as a ‘fairly responsible’ farmer, who is a father of five children and who has a “stable common-law” relationship.

He reminded Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias that Robertson had pleaded guilty, that the defendant had admitted he had the marijuana and that the defendant had not wasted the court’s time.

Robertson was fined $300, which he said he could pay forthwith, as his father was outside the court.

However, it took a combined family effort that allowed Robertson to be able sign his $6,000 bail for the other offences of threatening to unlawfully discharge a firearm and assault.

The Chief Magistrate set the trial date for the remaining charges for April 19, and ordered no contact with Delplesche in the interim.