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Man caught trying to smuggle drugs in Pine Hill juice boxes

Man caught trying to smuggle drugs in Pine Hill juice boxes

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“NEVER HEARD of the sniffer dogs them?” one defendant was asked after he was nabbed for weed in Pine Hill juice boxes at the Wharf.

Zwenford Jackson, of Chapmans, Georgetown, became one of the many persons that have been caught with marijuana while trying to get the drug past officers at the Grenadines Wharf, last Monday.

The Serious Offences Court has been party to multiple cases of a similar nature. On two separate occasions, the normal breakfast cornflakes being replaced by the loose green substance.

Jackson was arrested on Monday, and he pleaded guilty to having in his possession 387g of cannabis at the Grenadines Wharf, when he appeared before the court on Tuesday.

The officers on duty at the wharf searched the defendant and found Pine Hill box juices, all in different flavours, including Black Currant and Bajan Cherry. PC Clint DaSouza, the officer who was conducting the search, noticed that the boxes were light in weight and opened them, only to find the banned substance inside.

“I have to say is my own, because you find me with it,” Jackson said to the officer, when cautioned.

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias noted the clever way that the cannabis was concealed in the Pine Hill juice boxes and in smaller packages.

She asked the accused if he didn’t get the memo that there was a PC Clint Da-Souza and an efficient team at the wharf that observe movement and actions. “Nothing goes beyond detection,” she told Jackson.

“PC DaSuoza, kudos for a job well done,” Browne-Matthias said to the officer, who was in court.

DaSouza changed from standing at ease and stood at attention, while saying, “Thank you, your Honour,” before returning to normal posture.

Jackson was fined $750 forthwith, which he paid and he left with his family.

The defendant commented after he was sentenced, that when he was at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), the officers there asked him, “Never heard of the sniffer dogs them?” The Chief Magistrate agreed saying, “all kinda groceries” and “he’s just doing his job.”

The defendant agreed, “yeah,yeah.”