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‘Old Girl’ arrested in relation to chopping of young woman

‘Old Girl’ arrested in relation to chopping of young woman

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Bail will not be available to the alleged cutlass wielding attacker of a young woman living in Petit Bordel, until the young woman successfully undergoes surgery.

Margaret ‘Old Girl’ Smith, 35 years old, was brought to the Serious Offences Court last Friday to answer a charge of maliciously wounding Teresha Edwards, 20 years old, in Petit Bordel on May 14.

The charge comes four days after two videos were circulated widely across social media. The first video shows an individual attacking Edwards with a stone, while Edwards fended the person off with her right arm and held her one year-old baby in her left.

The second shows what appears to be the same individual approaching Edwards with a cutlass, and eventually succeeding in chopping her on her left arm, and almost severing it.“I feel my hand start to swing. The bone chop in half and the vein.

Skin hold on my hand,” described Edwards in an interview with SEARCHLIGHT a day after the incident.Smith walked in to court with bright red eyes, as red as her shirt, which remained bright red for the entire duration of court. She used a rag in her possession to wipe them.The prosecution indicated that they wished to object to bail until Edwards underwent her second surgery on the arm.

The Petit Bordel resident was represented by defence attorney Ronald Marks, who tried to counter the prosecution’s objection to bail.

Marks noted that the major wound was to the hand and “whereas it may be a serious injury…nothing to indicate that it (the surgery) would be life threatening.”

He stated that he could not see why his client would be denied bail, and that she was innocent until proven guilty.However, Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias was in a different mind, saying, “The fact that she has undergone surgery is concerning to me.”

She indicated that as Edwards will be going under the knife again, until medical clarification is given by a doctor, bail would not be considered.She told Smith that she would be remanded until May 25, and that hopefully there would be no situation wherein Edward’s well-being or life would be affected while undergoing surgery. She stated that if such a situation should occur, this would be detrimental to Smith.