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Vincentian-Canadian forgiven of charges laid against him

Vincentian-Canadian forgiven of charges laid against him

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The Vincentian-Canadian whose stay, with no pay, at the Mariners Inn was cut short and resulted in a conviction, has been forgiven of two other charges against him.

Allie Franklyn-Providence was previously convicted on March 26, and slated to spend seven months in jail after failing to pay a bill at the Mariner’s Inn for $15,494.22.

He was not represented at trial, but his main defence was that the hotel had refused to get the money from his credit card, which he had given to them as a settling mechanism.

After being convicted, in addition to the seven months in jail, Franklyn-Providence was ordered to compensate the hotel by April 19, 2019, in default of which he will spend another six months in jail.

The Vincentian-Canadian, who hails from Troumaca, as well as Toronto, was also charged that he did, on August 21, 2017, steal two wash cloths worth US$4, two hand towels worth US$10 and two bath towels valued at US$20. He was also charged with dishonestly making off without payment of US$320.

Carolita Samuel was the complainant in this second matter, along with the owner of Casa Villa in Villa.

However, Samuel indicated that she would no longer proceed with the case against him, and gave a non-committal nod when Prosecutor Adolphus Delpesche asked her if she had forgiven him.

Despite the happy news, Franklyn-Providence had no smiles to give, walking off the dock stony-faced, while fixing his clothes.