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Three young men charged with attempted murder

Three young men charged with  attempted murder
Left to Right: kareem charles, Shamol Richardson & seage john

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FOR THE attempted murder of a 16-year-old, two of three men will be kept in lockup until their preliminary inquiry, with the only one receiving bail being 18 years of age.

When Kareem Charles, 27 years, and Shamol Richardson, 18 years, were brought before the Serious Offences Court on Monday, four charges were laid against them.

On November 24 at Grenville Street, Kingstown, the two are charged that they did, with the intent to commit the offence of murder on Juwanni Roberts, 16 years of Redemption Sharpes, do an act which is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the offence. They were also charged that they did intend to discharge a firearm, within 100 yards of a public road, namely Grenville Street, and did an act which is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the offence.

Thirdly, the illegal possession of a .38 revolver was also put to the two defendants, and finally, the possession of five live rounds of ammunition without a license.

Senior Prosecutor Adolphus Delplesche did not object to bail for Richardson, but indicated that he was objecting to bail for Charles, because he has two similar matters, one involving a firearm, and wounding with intent.

Representing the duo was defence attorney Jomo Thomas, who made submissions that Charles should not be remanded while he awaits the preliminary inquiry, which could take months.

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias denied bail for Charles, but allowed bail in the sum of $40,000, with one surety for Richardson.

Richardson’s surety was accepted on Wednesday, and therefore he remains free, with the exception of reporting conditions meant to shackle him to the schedule of reporting to the Central Police Station twice weekly, on Mondays and Thursdays. He was also ordered to surrender travel documents, and told that he must ask for permission to leave the state. Richardson was further shackled by a curfew.

Another defendant, Seage John, joined Richardson and the above mentioned charges were also laid against him on Tuesday. Senior Prosecutor Adolphus Delplesche objected to bail for John, as he is currently on bail for other offences, namely, robbery and possession of a firearm to aid in the commission of an offence. John did not have legal representation.

The chief magistrate did not allow bail for him.

As John left in the prison transport, in displeasure at his picture being taken, he raised his hands in the appearance of pointing a gun at the camera.

The three will next appear in court on March 5, 2019.