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Man’s claim of applying for ganja licence being checked out

Man’s claim of applying for ganja licence being checked out

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A MAN claiming to be in process of securing a traditional cultivator’s licence was given bail in relation to 5,054 g of cannabis, while his story is being checked out.

Sonel Isaacs of Chateaubelair appeared at the Serious Offences Court this Monday, charged with having the drug in his possession with intent to supply on April 7. He was among others on that day charged with the same offence, and the process is usually the same.

If someone pleads guilty to possession of the drug, with the majority of persons usually pleading guilty, the police read the facts, and a sentence, usually a fine, is passed.

Isaacs’ case began no differently. He pleaded his guilt, and the police explained that on April 7, they executed a search warrant at Isaacs’ Chateaubelair home. Acting on information received, the warrant they carried with them was for controlled drugs.

While searching Isaacs’ bedroom, the officers found four bags of maijuana, a large black garbage bag, two rice bags, and a small black bag, on the floor.

“Officer ah my weed for me use for the medical marijuana,” he told the police.

Isaacs, had to use crutches to get into the dock, and he carried with him a large brown envelope.

He calmly explained to Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias, that he since last year he has been following the medical marijuana program. “Two or three years ago I didn’t cultivate anything,” Isaacs explained, but that “they” encouraged him that if he wants to get into the program he must try and cultivate, so that he could come up with proof that he is a traditional farmer.

He said he went to “the office” to pick up a form, and he opened his envelope and showed the form inside. Isaacs said he called “them” about filling out the form and “so forth”, but he was told that it was a form for foreigners to fill out.

Isaacs said he had been injured by a chainsaw last week Monday, but right now he’s trying his best to get his produce cleaned so he could supply it to another farmer, or someone foreign, and try to “mek a money on it.”

The chief magistrate asked to see his forms. She eventually decided to remand Isaacs as some things needed to fact checked. Further there was an unrelated warrant related to non-payment of some money.

However, his incarceration was stretched until yesterday.

Browne-Matthias noted that the last time he appeared in court he made certain assertions, “and it’s checking out.” Therefore, she decided that she wasn’t going to “deal” with the matter “right away.”

She granted bail in the sum of $1500 with on surety, and adjourned the case to May 3.

Isaacs’ sister stood as his surety.

Attorney Carlos James has adopted the case.