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Teenager charged with murder

Teenager charged with murder
Gamar Robinson (deceased)

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A 15-year-old has been charged for last week’s murder of a Campden Park resident and he will go before the Family Court for the preliminary inquiry surrounding the matter.

The teenager of Questelles was brought before the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court yesterday, April 2.

There, in a cleared courtroom, without the presence of the media, the juvenile was charged for, with malice aforethought, causing the death of Gamar Robinson.

Robinson, a 31-year-old, was found stabbed on the porch of the home he shared with his parents on the night of March 24. His mother, Vanda John, was the first to see him, as he lay with eyes and mouth open, she told SEARCHLIGHT last week.

Although John called his name and tried to revive him, Robinson did not respond. The young man was pronounced dead at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital(MCMH), but the mother revealed that she believes he was already dead when she found him.

Gamar is the fourth son for John to pass away. His three brothers died at different times, to different causes: one to cancer, one to gun violence, and one at sea.

The only son that remains alive now, is Gamar’s twin, Omar.