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Young man bonded for stealing skin bleaching gel

Young man bonded for stealing skin bleaching gel

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Shortly after being released from prison, a McKie’s Hill resident ran the risk of returning, all because he wanted gel to “brighten” his skin.

Jahmol Carter walked in to the Coreas Hazells Pharmacy on the morning of June 15, with a drink in his hand, and proceeded to walk through the aisles.

His actions made the security guard suspicious, and he was kept under observation. Carter took up one “Precious Ultra Brightening Gel” for skin and placed it in his left front pocket.

The security guard apparently observed him as he walked past the cashier and was about to exit the building before he stopped the defendant. After Carter was prompted, he returned the gel to the security. He admitted that he committed the offence of theft to the police.

In court, the 26-year-old contended that he did not pass the cashier with the item.

However, Senior Prosecutor Adolphus Delplesche asked him why he didn’t hold the gel in his hand, and instead put it in his pocket.

When asked whether he had money, Carter said that he did, and produced $15 from his pocket.

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne mused whether he stole the product for himself, observing that his complexion was “already light-skinned”. She told him that those products are damaging.

The defendant had 13 previous convictions before this crime, and Browne noted that he had just come out of prison earlier this month.

“You have money; buy,” the magistrate said, but stating that he should live within his means.

The prosecutor remarked that it wasn’t food that the defendant stole, but “he take ting to change what God give…”. If he had stolen food he could have given the excuse that he was hungry, “but to change the colour of your skin…,” Delplesche said.

However, the product, priced at EC$10.95, was still in good condition.

Ultimately, the prosecutor did not recommend that Carter go back to prison.

The magistrate, in sentencing, told Carter that if he continued on his path, he would live in prison.

She told him that his youth was his saving grace at the moment.

Speaking to his troubled past, the magistrate told him “You could be different. You had an unfortunate start in life, let that be the catalyst for you to do better.”

As the product was in good condition, the first order she made was for restitution to the store.

While the crown contemplated that the case was one for a reprimand and discharge ruling, Browne decided to place Carter on a bond for six months so that he would have to keep himself in check.

The bond sum is $900, and if breached, Carter will have to produce this sum post-haste or spend six months in jail.