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Vermont resident fined $400 for theft of avocados

Vermont resident fined $400 for theft of avocados

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‘Speedy Patrick’ of Vermont who managed to lug away 78 avocados belonging to another Vermont resident, was yesterday fined $400 for his swiftness of hand.

Defendant Leroy Patrick, said to be 21 years of Vermont, and also known as ‘Speedy Patrick’ was brought to the Serious Offences Court yesterday, along with a bulging sack avocados that appeared to be a difficult task to lift.
Patrick’s August 30 theft caused a loss of $195 to Steforn Maloney of Vermont.

The complainant herself spied the defendant on her property. According to facts prepared by the police, she knows him very well, but they are not friends. On the day in question, she was lying on her bed, when something caused her to look out of her window. When she did so, she saw the defendant in her yard dressed in a black long sleeved shirt and in possession of a white sack which he was carrying on his shoulder. Patrick appeared to be hustling to exit her yard. After this, her avocado tree was checked, and a quantity was noted to be missing. The matter was reported to the police, who carried out investigations, and later picked up Patrick. He admitted to the offence.

No previous criminal record was known for the defendant.

In this particular instance it was noted that Patrick may have been charged under the Act concerning Praedial Larceny (theft of agriculture produce). This is a point that has had occasion to be made before on a number of occasions, as it concerns other cases.

Patrick was asked if he had anything to say, but his response was inaudible.

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne told him, “The thing is…you must don’t go in to people place.”

“You don’t want anybody to come in where you live, do you? You would like somebody to come in where you live?” she asked him. “If you do not like something for yourself don’t do it to others. Simple way of living,” Browne continued.
Commenting that the offence was a very serious one, she stated that “more than likely” individuals grow produce for their livelihood, and that when someone makes off with a whole sack of their produce it would be very painful. She commented that in this time, possibly referring to the Covid-19 pandemic, the loss can’t be afforded.

The avocados were recovered, and in good condition, so restitution was ordered.

Additionally, the magistrate ordered Patrick to pay a fine.

“The same speed with which you mounted and escaped her perimeter, and got into the yard is the same speed with which the fine will be paid today,” Browne advised him.

He was given a $400 fine, to be paid forthwith, with a default of one month in prison.