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Spas, barbershops and beauty salons adopt new protocols to remain safe

Spas, barbershops and beauty salons adopt new protocols to remain safe
Clients getting their hair done at Stylin Chic by Auldine

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SPAS, BARBERSHOPS and beauty salons have been among the businesses most severely affected by the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, but as business slowly picks up, some operators have adopted new protocols in order to keep themselves and their clients safe.

Spas, barbershops and beauty salons adopt new protocols to remain safe
Barber Kenton DeYoung with one his clients at his barbershop

Luraine Davis Manager of the Onyx Spa at Paradise Beach Hotel said the pandemic forced the closure of her business for a few weeks, after which she reopened for three days a week, before once again becoming fully operational.

“At the beginning of July, we reopened fully. In the beginning we had fewer people but since July, business has been good and we have seen a lot of new customers,” said Davis whose business provides facials, massages, manicures, pedicures, waxing and body scrubs.

“We ask persons not to allow others to accompany them to lessen the crowds,” Davis said.

She said since the beginning of the pandemic, they have been asking clients to wash their hands as they come through the door, and wear masks.

Davis said even if persons say they have used hand sanitizers, it is important to let them still wash their hands and use masks if there are many persons around.

She admitted that the mask protocol at the spa was relaxed a bit in July as some clients complained of not being able to breathe properly while wearing a face covering.

However, if there are more than a certain number of persons at the location, masks are mandatory for clients, while staff members always wear masks and gloves.

Spas, barbershops and beauty salons adopt new protocols to remain safe
Clients at the Onyx Spa enjoying a foot soak

“We wipe down everything. As soon as a client comes out of a chair, we wipe that down. We use Lysol wipes on door handles,” explained Davis.

“Keep your surroundings clean, everything people touch, wipe it down, keep the air clean also,” Davis recommended while adding that in the past, they have turned away prospective clients because of their travel history.

Auldine Brown, manager Stylin Chic by Auldine on Halifax Street told SEARCHLIGHT that the pandemic has affected her business and she has been seeing fewer persons coming through the doors.

“So we are doing everything within our power to adhere to the social distancing guidelines and the safety and hygienic stipulations that were put in place by the authorities,” Browne said.

She said she operates only by appointment as this allows her to control the number of persons that come in at once.

“We have three stations and we only allow three persons at a time and they are apart from each other. We space out to create confidence in our clients’ minds as we want them knowing that we are concerned about their safety and well-being while they are here,” Browne explained.

Spas, barbershops and beauty salons adopt new protocols to remain safe

She said the door to the salon is locked so persons have to knock to get their hands sanitized, and clients are not allowed to bring other persons with them.

Doorknobs and chairs are also wiped down after every use.

“We encourage persons to wear masks and we wear masks and we provide if you don’t have and those are some the measures. Everyone has been cooperative,” Browne said.

She said they are happy that clients have been cooperating.

“They have been appreciative of the fact that we are taking these measures,” said Browne who provides hair, makeup, and nail services.

Barber Kenton DeYoung operates out of the OT Car Park compound and says he has seen the number of clients coming through his door fall from 25 to 30 persons a day to between five and eight.

He too has been seeing clients by appointment only.

“As you enter you have to sanitize your hands and practice social distancing. I try to work strictly by appointment to try and adhere to some of the Ministry’s rules,” DeYoung told SEARCHLIGHT.

He said he sanitizes the barber chair after every use and uses a fresh pair of gloves for every customer that enters the shop.

“I wear a mask and my equipment is well sanitized and kept in great standard to avoid the risk of spreading viruses,” the barber of eight years explained.

He said that customers are very cooperative, and he can be reached at 527-7307 for appointments.