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NDP to trade in trademark yellow shirts for white

NDP to trade in trademark  yellow shirts for white
Sir James Mitchell

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The New Democratic Party (NDP) intends to trade in its trademark yellow shirts for white ones, in an effort to unite Vincentians in this campaign season.

Sir James Mitchell, founder and former leader of the NDP made the announcement on Saturday at the opening of the party’s Northern Grenadines campaign office.

Mitchell, who was once a representative of the Northern Grenadines constituency warned of a “big change” in the campaign, in which the NDP has adopted the theme “One People, One Vincy, One Country”.

“…It is for that reason, to target the swing voters, that we have to break up this tribalism in St Vincent between red and yellow and our t-shirts this time will be white and we will have all the logos of the party on it but we win elections by bring the people together,” he said early in his presentation on Saturday, September 26.  

Mitchell, a former Prime Minister, said the NDP will show the country that it is serious about bringing together the people of this country.

He added that the party has a good team, which with God’s help, will be able to perform well in the upcoming General Elections.