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Sion Hill resident celebrates her 100th birthday

Sion Hill resident celebrates her 100th birthday
EVELIN WALDRON BEING presented with gifts from Clyde Fitzpatrick – president of Friends of Sion Hill SVG

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SION HILL RESIDENT Evelin Waldron last Sunday, January 31, reached the ripe age of 100.

The centenarian, who is still alert and with all her faculties in near perfect standing, acknowledged the occasion when well-wishers showed up at her Roseau residence last Sunday.

A brief exhortation, prayers and thanksgiving engaged Waldron, who lapped up the celebration by joining in and giving thanks to Almighty God for long life.

She interjected as well by humming,“I must have my saviour with me, because I dare not walk alone.”

The spiritually minded woman, who is an Anglican, also repeated to those in attendance Psalm chapter 27:1 – “The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear?”

Waldron on the momentous occasion received tokens of appreciation from the Friends of Sion Hill SVG, the Sion Hill Sports Club, as well as Fitzgerald Bramble, parliamentary representative for East Kingstown.

Having survived her other siblings, Waldron, who never mothered a child of her own was responsible for raising Paulette Waldron, who is the daughter of the late John Waldron.

“She raised me from since I was three months, and here I am still with her,” the younger Waldron told SEARCHLIGHT.

Giving an account of the elder Waldron, whom she calls“Granny”, Paulette said, “ She still eats heartily and has a good appetite… She knows when her breakfast is late and alerts me when it is time for her lunch and when she wants additional attention”.

Paulette also noted that “ Granny” would keep reminding her when she is not timely with her provisions, “ to honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee”.

In her young adult years, Mrs Waldron worked at the then Marketing Corporation Depot, and ventured overseas to neighbouring islands, St Lucia and Barbados.

“ She was a hard working woman, who ensured that her mother and siblings at the time were taken care of “, Paulette recalled of the centenerian.

Also thanking God for allowing her “ Granny” to live to attain the triple figure mark, Paulette said she was appreciative for all who in one way or the other, made the day, a special one.