Developers lose bid to remove ‘dead’ reef from Indian Bay Beach
The decision has been made to refuse an application seeking the removal of a section of ‘dead’ reef, and placement of an artificial reef and imported sand at Indian Bay Beach.

The Application was made by Raffique Dunbar on behalf of Syre Holdings Inc. – the owners of La Vue Boutique Hotel and Beach Club.
This Hotel and Beach Club is being developed where the Grand View Beach Hotel and Grill used to be located, and the application concerns an area of seabed and beach in front of the Beach Club.
The application was supported by an Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) conducted by Environmental Engineer Krystle Francis, and sought:
1)removal of the “dead” coral reef along the beach front (approximately 350ft along the coast, and 50/60ft from the high water mark, covering 17,500 sq ft); 2) the placement of a new artificial reef at about 100/150ft from shore; and 3) the placement of imported sand to increase beach width.
Dornet Hull, Town Planner at the Physical Planning Unit who is also Secretary to the Physical Planning and Development Board, was contacted on Friday, October 8, concerning the status of the application.
Hull advised that she had already given the developers their response and SEARCHLIGHT could contact them.

However, other officials at the Physical Planning Unit have informed that the application was refused.
Several attempts were made to contact the Developers/ Investors, Adem Adem of A& A Capital Inc, who spoke to the media on the issue originally, as well as Dunbar. A visit also was made to the site where La Vue Boutique Hotel and Beach Club is being developed, but SEARCHLIGHT was told that the parties in question were busy and an appointment could be made.
When Adem was eventually contacted by phone on Friday, October 15, he said that he was not aware of the decision, and that he would seek information from the Physical Planning Unit. Efforts were made to reach out yesterday, October 18, to no avail.
When public notice of the application was published in early July, it was met with backlash from members of the public. A number of persons used the two week period within which they could lodge their objections to the Board, to do so, and many others signed a petition against the application.