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Work colleagues flood court office with tears

Work colleagues flood court office with tears

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THERE WAS NOT A DRY EYE at the Family Court building on Tuesday, May 3 as workers returned to the office for the first time since the killing of their colleague and friend, Luann Roberts.

The body of Roberts, a 41-year-old counsellor at the Family Court was discovered in the rear seat of a motor vehicle in the vicinity of the Buccament Bay Secondary School on Sunday, May 1, 2022 at about 9:15a.m.

According to a release from the police, her body bore several injuries to the head.

“Luann’s death on May 1, 2022 sent shock waves throughout our entire work family. This tragic and vicious end to our sister continues to break our hearts,” Roberts’ co-workers said in a collective release.

Her colleagues noted that when they reported for duty on Tuesday, following the holiday weekend, “there was not a dry eye in our building and our souls were heavily laden. Her good deeds will forever be etched in our memories, and we will forever reflect on the moments we shared, as well as the unforgettable memories that were created”.

The 41-year-old counsellor was first assigned to the Family Court as a junior clerk in December 2017, having completed her social work practicum in the department under the supervision and tutelage of Claudette Pierre. Roberts’ “exemplary performance, professionalism and impeccable work ethics” prompted her to be recommended for the post of Family Counsellor and she was promoted in August 2018, less than a year after her initial assignment.

The deceased’s colleagues described her as often having a cheerful disposition that was “a welcome diversion from the monotony of interacting with the contentious litigants who appeared before the court”.

“Her jovial personality appeared to be an integral part of her demeanour. She had a little ‘pep’ in her step, as though she was stepping out on the catwalk. She was a kind and loving soul who went beyond the call of duty to assist our clientele,” the collective statement said.

The staff at the Family Court proffer that they were all blessed to have worked with Roberts and that they would miss her dearly.

“We take this opportunity to extend our sincere condolences to her bereaved family. We also take this opportunity to encourage the general public to reach out to someone if even there is the slightest suspicion that violence or harm may be imminent. After all, we have to continue to be our brother’s keeper. Violence can never be the solution to any problem. Let us communicate more and let us resolve

our differences peacefully! May God bless us all. May our friend and colleague Luann rest in eternal peace,” the statement said.

Roberts’ death is the first of four murders that took place between April 29 and May 2 in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Reynold Roberts, a 40-year-old who resides at Harmony Hall has been was charged with Roberts’ murder. He appeared in the Serious Offences court on May 4 for arraignment.

Around 15 witnesses will be called in the matter and the preliminary inquiry is expected to commence on September 1.