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Fri July 5, 2013

The children, grand-children and other relatives of the late

Mrs Noreen Francis

of Queen’s Drive better known as “Mother” or “Mother Francis,”

who died on

19th June, 2013

would like to thank all our friends from St Vincent and

the world over who called, visited, sent cards or flowers or who,
in many other ways, expressed their sympathy at her passing.

We especially would like to thank all those who attended her funeral service,

and even those who could not attend for one reason or another,
but yet had us in their thoughts and prayers.

She lived a life full of love for her Saviour and for everyone whom she encountered along life’s pathway.

She died peacefully and we are sure that her fervent prayer of “being absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” has been answered.

Please accept our sincerest thanks.