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Four queens and a Duke this weekend

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Four-time Calypso Monarch, the Mighty Duke, will join 1999 Calypso Crown winner Singing Sandra, Destra Garcia, Nikki Crosby and Denise Belfon in a star studded calypso concert at Buccama On the Bay this Saturday.

The Mighty Duke (born in SVG as Kelvin Pope) is a versatile calypsonian and soca artist with a commanding, stately presence and perfect diction. {{more}}

Singing Sandra won the T&T Calpyso Crown in 1999.

Denise Belfon, aka Saucy Wow, is one of the hottest soca singers in Trinidad. She started singing professionally in 1990 with the band “Black Sheep” and then joined “Sound Revolution”.

Her first solo recording was in 1995 with her trade mark song “Kakalaylay” – the same year she received the award for Emer-ging Artist from “Everybody’s Maga-zine” in Brooklyn, New York. From 1996 to 1999, she was nominated for Best Female Soca Artist at the Ragga Soca Awards in Miami. In 1998 and 1999, she won Best Fe-male Soca Artist.

She previously released singles and tunes on various compilation albums – and is currently working on her debut album “Hot Sauce”.

Some of her big tunes include “Big 3” (with Bunji & Iwer), “Panic”, “Saucy Baby”, “Jamette”, “Wine & Bend Over” (with Ghetto Flex) and “Indian Man”.

Destra Garcia, who originally left Roy Cape All Stars to pursue a solo career, proceeded to join Atlantik as lead female vocalist in December 2002 and has not looked back since.

2003 proved to be the “year of Destra”, as she made waves with tunes from her first album Red White Black – including “Carnival” featuring Machel Montano, “Choo Choo”, “Whe Yuh Want” and “Boodie” featuring Kernal Roberts. Having placed third in Soca Monarch (T&T), second in Road March (T&T) and then won the coveted Labour Day Road March title (NY), Destra may well be considered the most successful female artist in 2003.

Destra’s songs for 2004 include “Negative Vibes”, “Come Beti” with Shurwayne Winchester and “If You Only Knew” with Rupee, which appears on his album.

The show will be hosted by Nikki Crosby of Trinidad & Tobago and is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m.