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No jump-up for Miss SVG?

No jump-up for Miss SVG?

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Recently crowned Miss St.Vincent and the Grenadines, Sheridan Lewis has denounced claims that she will not be participating in masquerade festivities for Vincy Mas 2006.

In an interview with the Searchlight Newspaper Lewis lashed out, “This is not true, I never wrote a letter to the Ministry of Culture or made any such statement saying that I will not be jumping up for Vincy Mas. This is false and it is certainly not true.”{{more}}

The 22-year-old queen continued, “Carnival, especially the Mas aspect is this country’s premiere festival and it is vital to our tourism product and overall economy. Carnival displays our Vincentian culture and shows that we have vast creativity and talent and I’m proud to be part of it.”

She chided, “If I am in anyway to condemn anything, I will condemn the violence and crime that may have taken place in the past as well as the other immoral activities persons have engaged in.”

She stressed, “I am a Carnival Queen and I will be participating in Carnival which is filled with beauty and splendor. So let us not be distracted and have a clean and fun Vincy Mas.”

Admitting that she follows a demanding schedule in preparation for the Miss Carival show on Friday July 7, Lewis said that she takes up the challenge with pride and that everything has been going smoothly.

She expressed confidence to do well in each category, but believes her talent will be outstanding at the regional event where some 16 other delegates are expected to perform.