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Serious action to arrest offenders

Serious action to arrest offenders

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Persons who use carnival celebrations to break the law would not be having any reprieve this year. And those singers who incite the crowd to use obscene language on the streets, especially in front the Police Station, may find themselves facing the weight of the law. Assistant Commissioner of Police Lenroy Brewster made the position clear last Tuesday. He was making his input at one of the Carnival Development Corporation’s fortnightly press meetings.{{more}}

Brewster covered a wide range of areas where lawlessness pervaded the festival in previous years. He however warned that this year, offenders would be arrested.

Brewster made it clear that indecent language would not be tolerated. He cited instances during previous festivals of persons “taunting” the Police by using slangs and slogans containing language of an obscene nature.

Brewster reminded listeners that indecent language was a serious offence and that “the Police are going to take serious action to arrest offenders.”

Brewster urged band leaders and other organisers of music trucks to make sure that “responsible persons” were using the microphones. He warned that indecent language would result in bands being taken of the road.

The language issue was not the only area of concern. Brewster favours the implementation of the “no glass bottle policy.” He noted the number of injuries caused by broken bottles during previous carnivals and begged persons to comply with the law.

“No glass bottle policy will be enforced. We are going to make this year one of the safest,” Brewster declared.

The ACP blasted the use of aerosol cans by revelers. He outlined the danger of such a practice.

Strict searches would be carried out on persons entering shows at Carnival City, Victoria Park and offenders may have their celebrations curtailed if they break the law.

Brewster decried the practice of piracy, which heightens during the festival, and the constabulary is going to ensure that measures are taken to wipe out this crime.

The ACP noted the value of the festival to the nation’s economy and echoed Commissioner of Police Keith Miller’s commitment to assist in making “Vincy Mas clean.”

“The Police will not allow lawlessness to pervade,” Brewster warned.

Those persons planning to carry weapons to the festival would be in trouble. The Police would be “stepping up” Stop and Search operations.

Brewster referred to a recent situation in which in the space of five minutes, the Traffic Branch collected over 20 cutlasses, knives and other weapons from vans. Brewster urged vehicle users to “leave weapons at home.”

The Police officer spoke of protection for masqueraders in the bands. He disclosed plans to have “marshals” in place to prevent persons from invading.

Brewster also had words of caution to truck owners against extending their vehicles with additional speakers. He warned that speakers must be securely fastened.

He advised truck owners to put skirts over the wheels of the trucks in order to reduce accidents. The Police official also urged revelers not to “back-back” on the trucks. Vehicle operators should comply with traffic regulations for the festival, Brewster pointed out.