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Van shot up in Edinboro

Van shot up in Edinboro

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Multiple warnings given to a van driver to stop plying the Edinboro route resulted in the minivan he drives being shot up two Fridays ago, at around 8 a.m.

Andre Cadogan, the owner of the minivan “Kaution,” with registration number P 7035, said his driver Kevin “Dexter” Haywood and conductor Sydon “Jungi” Matthews work the Belair route, but on mornings they would take students to the Edinboro based Dr JP Eustace Memorial Secondary School.

Cadogan explained to SEARCHLIGHT that on numerous occasions, the driver and conductor were told by another van operator in the Edinboro area that they should desist from plying the Edinboro route and go back to Belair.

Cadogan, a police officer, said that since the reopening of school, threats were issued on many separate occasions, but he told them to ignore the intimidating words and work the route.

“The guys were complaining about a van driver in the area telling them to get out of Edinboro and last week, another van driver told them that a shot get call on them and they must be careful,” said Cadogan, who added that he told them not to think about it.

According to Cadogan, on Friday, September 15, his van was going over to Edinboro and students who were riding in another van came out of that van and went into his van and the driver took them to school.

After the 18 students were dropped off and the van was leaving the area, someone fired two shots at the minivan. One of the shots broke the van’s taillight, valued at EC$415 and another one struck the trunk. Both shots penetrated the vehicle and lodged in two separate spots in the interior.

Cadogan said he is grateful that the van was empty and no one was hurt. He said the driver fled the area as quickly as he could and he has since instructed them not to go back to Edinboro.

“It doesn’t make sense endanger the men life,” said Cadogan.

A report was made to the police and the matter is under investigation. Cadogan said he understands that the driver and conductor of the minivan who told his workers to stay out of Edinboro were questioned in relation to the incident.

Up to press time, no one was charged.