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Professional Latin dance instructors to attend local event

Professional Latin dance instructors to attend local event

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The Latin dance community is abuzz with excitement as the Euphoria Latin Dance Academy (LDA) prepares to host two instructors, Karline Bratwaite and Stefan Maynard, from Trinidad and Tobago for their inaugural Euphoric Weekend event.

This event, in keeping with Euphoria LDA’s vision, aims to have St Vincent and the Grenadines recognized as a Latin dance destination thereby adding to the tourism product of our island.

The Euphoric Weekend event seeks to invite regional and international professional Latin dancers to St Vincent and the Grenadines, in order to expose local dancers to skills and techniques, with the goal of elevating them to reach international standards.

Karline, the lead instructor for the inaugural event, is trained and experienced in dance. She holds a graduate degree in dance and has performed and competed on the international stage during her time studying in New York City. In addition, she has won Latin dance competitions at the Philadelphia Salsa Fiesta and twice at the World Salsa Summit, held annually in Miami in the categories of salsa, bachata and Latin hustle.

From February 16 to 18, instructors Karline Bratwaite and Stefan Maynard will be sharing their skills and talents with the local Latin dance community with the aim of polishing our dancers’ art form.

The weekend will feature four workshops, two parties and the performance by Karline and Stefan that caught the attention of professional Latin dancers from around the world who attended Salsa Fiesta TnT.

The Vincentian public will have the opportunity to witness the talent of local Latin dancers and to capture the performance by the two instructors, which captured the attention of the international Latin dance community, at the kick-off party ‘Champagne and Chocolates’ on Friday, February 16 at the SOV night club. On the following day, Paradise Beach hotel comes alive with ‘A night in paradise’ for the closing party.

More information about the weekend event and Euphoria LDA can be found on the Academy’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) @euphorialda