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VPL 3.0 has set the pace

VPL 3.0 has set the pace
A section of spectators at one of the VPL matches

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The staging of the Vincy Premier League (VPL) 3.0 T/10 cricket tournament over the past two weeks, has paved the way for the return of sports here in St Vincent and the Grenadines in the very near future.

Set to culminate this Sunday at the Arnos Vale Playing Field, the fast-paced action has been able to attract relatively large crowds in comparison to what normally obtains at local and regional matches.

To put the VPL 3.0 into proper perspective, it came at a time when Vincentians are literally and figuratively, rising from the ashes, as a consequence of the eruptions of La Soufriere volcano.

It meant that people were yearning for some sort of activity to relieve their stress.

Added, with the re-distribution of persons from the most affected areas in the north of the mainland, who have taken temporary residence in the urban and sub-urban areas, it has provided the opportunity for them to flock to the venue.

Significantly, a sizeable portion of the spectators are attending to support many of the players in the VPL, who have been displaced.

Hence, the tournament has given them that outlet of comfort and venting of their mental state.

So, as St Vincent and the Grenadines continues to put up the fight against the spread of the coronavirus and its effects on human living, the VPL 3.0 has provided some evidence of ease, with what has happened at the Arnos Vale venue and what will occur during the much-anticipated weekend.

With this event, which got going on May 15 and has gone one without many stumbling blocks, in terms of adherence to the many health protocols, the blueprint has been set for other sporting disciplines to follow.

Yes, cricket is primarily a non-contact sport, however, the happenings and the amount of interactions which have taken place at the matches of the VPL thus far, indicate that those contact sports can go ahead untethered.

It means therefore, that football, netball, volleyball, basketball among others, which have been delayed for some time now, have seen a light at the end of the tunnel.

They can now begin to plan their programmes, which will involve active training and ultimately, competition.

With that being proffered, this column is mindful that St Vincent and the Grenadines is not out of the proverbial woods, as it relates mainly to the coronavirus, as daily, there are positive cases being recorded.

However, once permission was granted by the health authorities to have the VPL 3.0 at this juncture, the blanket should be spread wide for the sporting disciplines to follow suit.

The onus is on the other national sporting associations, which have been stymied and put on hold by the authorities, to now seek the green light to get their balls rolling again.

Heads and executives of these associations have to push the envelope for their respective disciplines, as there are murmurings and agitations that cricket is happening and is receiving all the limelight and plaudits, while they have to sit and wait it out.

So, after Sunday’s grand finale and fete, the process has to commence for the authorities who gave the rightaway for the hosting of the VPL 3.0, to engage the other sporting associations, give them the parameters and get sports going again.

Moreover, the various representatives have to stake their claim and stand their grounds and ensure that their voices are heard.

We have to live with the current conditions of Covid-19, whilst taking the necessary precautions to safeguard the health of the nation.

The sports show has to go on, and the VPL 3.0 edition, from the ashes, has set the pace, for all to follow.
VPL 3.0 has set the pace