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Put the wheels in motion

Put the wheels in motion

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It must be a case of the easy way out and the blame game, why several of our national sporting associations here in St Vincent and the Grenadines continue to remain visibly dormant.

Instead of using their creative energies, these personnel have resorted to use the coronavirus pandemic and the effects of the eruptions of the La Soufriere, not as reasons, but as excuses for engaging their constituents in meaningful sporting activities.

Undoubtedly, the two have impacted negatively on the lives of Vincentians, however, they must not be used as punching bags for the nonchalance being displayed by some of our sporting administrators.

As such, there is evidence that some sporting disciplines have lost members who are unable to tough it out amidst the pause in active sporting events.

Of significance too, the Proverb which states that the “Devil finds work for idle hands to do”, is bearing reality in some instances.

This is so, as for many of our young sportsmen and women, sports is their haven and their outlet of expression for their pent-up energies.

In saying so though, this column is cognisant of the fact that within the last two weeks, St Vincent and the Grenadines has seen a rise in the number of positive coronavirus cases, and every caution must be put in place, to contain the spread.

But the balancing act must be done, as the coronavirus will always be with us, and from time to time there will be persons coming down with infections.

What we are facing are somewhat novel, but it does not mean life and sports must come to a standstill.

A lot has not happened as it relates to sports here in St Vincent and the Grenadines for the past 14 months or so. This, as many local competitions have had to be shelved, started and aborted or in some cases, scaled down.

In addition, for two years now, there has not been the Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Championships, the Inter- Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championships, the regional Junior Carifta Games, neither has the multi–discipline Windward Islands Schools Games been held, so that our young sportsmen and women could have showcased and gauge their abilities against others from the region.

In the interim, our local administrators have misfired and have not come out with any meaningful ways of cushioning the blow from the cancellation of these events, which have served as the nexus of their charges.

Despite the lull, the cancellations and the likes, more can be done to have some organized internal sporting competitions, especially catering for those at the Under-20 age groups.

We cannot go wrong to have some Zonal athletics meets, culminating in a champions of champions finale. Likewise, similar short competitions could be held for the other disciplines – netball, basketball, football and volleyball.

We must not continue to sit back and blame Covid-19, make the eruptions of the volcano as an excuse, when there are avenues available to engage the youth population, especially and provide them with that release valve.

Facing the challenges of life head on, rather than cowering, helps to engender that spirit of resilience in the youths, thus, lessening the blame to be levelled at administrators when things go awry.

Our sports administrators have to acknowledge that they have a part to play in educating those within their earshot and must do so with some energy and sense of purpose.

The adversities which we are currently undergoing, are opportune moments for us to place that responsibility on our budding sportsmen and women, and for them to show their mettle.

So, as we hope for the best by all of us becoming guardians of our health and wellness, sporting events can act as conduits in which the discipline of dealing with the threats of the Csovid-19 situation.

But, as usual, much faith is not being bestowed on our young people and as a result, sports become one of the biggest casualties.

Unless concerted efforts are made and the will to be proactive is installed in our sports administrators, we will just have to wait out patiently on the eventual outcome of our predicaments.