It’s unfair not to include agriculture in BEST OF SVG
EDITOR: I read with a great deal of interest your advertisement on pages 16 and 17 of the Searchlight newspaper for September 6, 2019. I read and re-read the list of categories for Best of SVG 2019 (preliminary list). I was extremely disappointed.
The area that has in the past provided opportunities for mass employment, finances, education and foreign exchange, is nowhere to be found on the list. That area is FARMING.
Let’s get serious, for this country to move forward, every effort must be made by all to emphasise the major productive area, i.e. farming. In animal terms, “the cow that gives the most milk should get the most concentrate.”
The farmer can earn income to do all that is necessary and required. So in our zest for the Best of SVG 2020, let us include the farming sector.
Hugh Stewart