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The church is preaching, but does not know what to say

The church is  preaching, but does not know what to say

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EDITOR: Pilot asked Jesus what is truth. Pilot wanted to know, but the church does not. The church is preaching, but does not know what to say. They do not study the word. I have visited the different branches of the church that say they keep the commandments of God and have seen and heard things that are contrary to the word. Then I would ask that we have a study, but they would not have it. The church is there to correct you if you are wrong. They need to be corrected, but they won’t have that.

Even Jesus found fault with the church; read Revelation Chapter (2) two and (3) three. In Chapter Two and verse four, He said to the church, He has something against them for they have left their First love. Long, long ago the church would worship Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday. Now it’s only Saturday and they used to start worship at 9 a.m., now it’s 11 a.m. and finishes at 2 p.m. The sower sow the seed to the church of God which fell on stony ground and because it had no depth of earth it withered away or die. There is a call for the Church to repent and accept the Gospel.

Let me tell you something about me, for over 28 Sabbaths I have toured from Sandy Bay to Spring Village and fasted every Sabbath. I have a new passenger van. There was a Sabbath keeping church in Calliaqua, I went there on my own, no one asked me to come. Shortly after, I said to some of the members I am going to carry the gospel to the different villages, the transportation was free and I had a full van every time. It took seven months, from Sandy Bay to Spring Village, visiting every area that had a church. We would attend church and after church I would have a meeting in the street, then visit a few homes. I have had a rough time with the churches, but I got courage from the bible. He that will live Godly will suffer persecution.

When I was about 15 years old a lady came at my home at 4’o clock in the morning, that would have been in 1955, and outside was black, for there was no street light and when she saw me she said the spirit had sent her to me and she told me I have to teach God’s word. I said in my mind this lady had to be crazy. This, because I was very shy and had no education. I did not say a word, just started thinking, and she shouted, “You have too, if even I am dead the ants will bring me news”. She has been dead now for over 20-odds years and it has been 64 years since she had spoken to me and I am still trying to speak to the people, but they won’t have it. All my life I have longed for some cool spring that I hoped would quench the burning of the thirst I felt within, feeling on the husks around me till my strength was almost gone. My soul has been longing for something better, only still to hunger on. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.

Thank you and May God’s blessing Rest on us all.

I believe the prophecy of the woman has come to pass.

R B Harry