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Inordinate focus by the church on homosexuality tells its own tale

Inordinate focus by the church on homosexuality tells its own tale

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Editor: I write in response to your front page story of November 8, 2019, headlined ‘Church coalition joins state in defending anti-buggery laws’.

Not only would the legal precedents thus far allow them to lose the case for the retention of the anti-buggery laws; but their argument that they are targeting behavior and not a specific group of persons is weak. Isn’t it behaviour that identifies this specific group of persons and distinguishes them from others? How could the behaviour be legislated against outside of its application to persons? Also the public health argument is silly: kissing could pose a potential risk to one’s health.  Should there be legislation against this?

Also, this inordinate focus by the church on homosexuality tells its own tale, a tale of hypocrisy and an attempt to cover its own ass. The sexual abuse that the church practises and covers up is far more detrimental to society than the sexual expressions between/among a minority group of consenting adults who by and large didn’t choose their sexual selves, their sexual beings.

Laurie K