Some things to consider during this Christmas
EDITOR: Is Chr-stmas a Scriptural Commandment?
Have you ever paused to consider how many beliefs and practices in nominal Christianity have no basis in any of the scriptural commandments?
Most churches like to pride themselves as being totally Bible-based in doctrine and practice. However, when you bring some of their doctrines into the light of close Bible scrutiny, no valid basis exists for believing them. Churchianity has founded its beliefs upon theology for the most part and cannot prove some of these doctrines with even one conclusive Scripture.
A Tradition of Men
Chr-stmas is a commandment of men. History proves that it is a worldly traditional observance. Yahshua the Messiah quoted from the prophet Isaiah in Matthew 15:8 – 9 when He said “The people honours me with their lips; but their heart is far from me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men.”
Yahshua Messiah Was Not Born on December 25th
The winter solstice, which falls near December 25th was observed by pagans as the day of Sol Invictus, the unconquerable sun, for centuries before the Messiah of Israel was born. Yahshua the Messiah actually was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. We can determine this from various incidents surrounding the Saviour’s birth in the Bible.
While there is a commandment to celebrate the death of the Messiah on the day He died (that was the Passover day), there is a notable absence of such data of His birth. The Israelites did not
celebrate birthdays, and there is no record that the True Worshippers of the Apostolic Assembly ever did.
Actually, historians record that it was Julius Sextus Africanus, who in the year 225CE was the first one to suggest that Yahshua the Messiah had been born on December 25th.
The Apostles Ignored It
The Apostles never observed Chr-tmas. Do you not think that if the Saviour’s birthday or Chr-stmas day, December 25th was important, that the apostolic assembly of the book of Acts and at least one of the letters of the Apostles to the young assemblies would have mentioned such an observance?
The Prophet Jeremiah Testifies
Most of the customs associated with this holiday are pagan in origin. Almighty Yahweh commands the True Worshippers, “Learn not the way of the nations, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the nations are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are vanity; for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it moves not.” Jeremiah 10: 2 – 4
Does this not accurately describe the contemporary Chr-stmas tree? Many of the customs of Chr-stmas are derived from the worship of Nimrod and his mother – wife Semiramis or variations there from. Why should such unscriptural celebration be sanctified and attached to True Worship?
How can someone
who has been begotten by the Holy Spirit and become a worshipper of the true Mighty One of the universe, celebrate a day with pious reverence which was set aside originally to honour a pagan idol?
Today the entirety of nominal Chr-stianity calls it the birth of the new son (while pagans called it the birthday of the new SUN!).
Let us follow the example of the Messiah by keeping the commandments of Yahweh.
Sheldon Govia