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The 2019 CSEC Results: Agriculture

The 2019 CSEC Results: Agriculture

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EDITOR: Agriculture recorded a pass rate of 89%. What should this mean to the schools where students till the soil and care for animals?

The students say, “Looks is it.” Therefore, those schools where agriculture is done should show well-manicured lawns, flowers and trees strategically positioned, and the school compound and playing field generally well landscaped. Agriculture students should not be denied the opportunity to add value to their school by having the school environment well landscaped. The skills taught at school may be for demonstration purposes only where land space is limited.

Students should be encouraged and required to have a plot of land at home where they practice the farming they learn at school. Thus while they may have a shoebox lettuce plot at school, they would have a bed the size of a half drum at home. Thus, the teaching of Agriculture in the school will be felt in the community. Produce from students should be available in the community markets and find their way into the various “Harvest Festivals” of the churches. Agriculture will then be no secret found in SBA books but seen in our buying, selling, and eating.

While we commend our students and teachers for good results, we urge them to apply their knowledge for the benefit of the home, school, and community. Let us grow what we eat and eat what we grow.

Anthony Stewart PhD