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No one cared about Vincentians like Glen Jackson did

No one cared about Vincentians like Glen Jackson did

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EDITOR: It has been so long since my best friend left me; the last time I saw him was the 6th of June 2006.

Today I’m still wondering and waiting to hear who killed him and why? I consider myself to be a media worker and he was the person who inspired and encouraged me and for that I will always remember him.

Mr Glen Jackson was a wonderful human being an excellent professional; former press secretary of the sitting Prime Minister of SVG; he was a person who fought for the rights of Vincentians and he provided an avenue for us to express our opinions. Today that is lacking, some may disagree and deny the fact that the media isn’t the same. Some may even say that today there is much more talk radio, but the fact is that their content is very poor.

There are persons who came close to the standards of the late Glen Jackson — Mr Elwardo Lynch (deceased); and former press secretary Mr Hans King, who is still with us.

Vincentians had an ombudsman in Mr Glen Jackson he did an extremely good job. Today we are left behind; no one cares about Vincentians like he did. He was truly a good man and is missed every day.

Crime, unemployment, drugs, misinformation,selfishness and politicians that are defeating our purpose; these are all issues that are seriously affecting our country. I knew Mr Glen Jackson very well and I know that what’s happening today would not have occurred under his watch, he would have been so disappointed in these persons who he paved the way for to be on radio. Today most of them are in bed with today’s politicians; it’s a shame!

The authorities are taking Vincentians for granted and that is unacceptable! Are you satisfied with what is happening in SVG today? Why are we so afraid to speak out? Is there a climate of fear in SVG? Let’s take time out to remember Mr Glen Jackson he was not afraid to confront issues and defend Vincentians. One may say under the former Prime Minister Sir James Mitchell that the fear that exists today was not there when he was leader.

Should we blame ourselves for the few persons that cultivate the climate of fear that exists in SVG today? Mr Glen Jackson would have said let’s do more, be our brother’s keepers with the interest of SVG at heart. I made myself a promise once I am alive I will always remember my best friend, the former press secretary — a good man, he will always be my best friend!

Kingsley Defreitas