Is there a need for a shake up at PSC?
EDITOR: Once again the Public Service Commission (PSC) has lost another case. Once again the successful lawyer was Jomo Thomas. This once again brings to the fore a poor reflection of the performance of the PSC.
It raises questions as to whether the PSC is incompetent in administering its duties. Are they really administrating fairly? Are they not prepared to defend themselves adequately? Is it that the PSC is failing in its duties?
Maybe the time has come for a thorough investigation as to what is happening within that organisation. Maybe there needs to be a shake up. Could it be that the PSC was justified in its action, but weak in its defense? If the latter is true, then it does reflect badly on the PSC. It could mean that persons are being paid for lack of performance and lack of concern for the organization. Or maybe it is down right laziness on those entrusted with the administration of this all important organization.
Whatever view we take, we have to agree that something is not right, because they continue to lose cases brought against them. Maybe the attitude by the PSC is that I don’t care I am getting my salary? If the later is true, then something drastic must be done.
Failure to make drastic change can result in them continuing to lose cases and so reflects badly on the administration, and of course will cost the government lots of money that could have been spent elsewhere, where needed.
On the flip side, it shows us that democracy is indeed alive and well and that you can take Government to court and win. But all in all, it is important that each public servant be dealt with fairly and efforts must be made to govern with fairness and honesty.
Kennard King