Fix Yambou road before catastrophe strikes
Dear Pedestrians and Motorists,
I am quite aware that there have been discussions on fixing the Yambou Road for a number of years. However, I am not sure that it was brought to your attention that approximately three weeks ago there was a landslide at Tambrand in Yambou and it has since eroded notably. This area is located two minutes walk before you get to the gap for Coconja.
There is a bridge-like structure on the right if you are travelling from Mespo.
The height between the road and river is probably 100 feet. The bank is eroding (slightly) under the road and it is difficult to see it if you are driving.
In addition, the bank is held up by some refuse because it is a dumping site and the rains can easily wash away soil that is meshed with garbage.
In my opinion, this situation is one of urgency because of the number of huge trucks that traverse on this road everyday. In previous times, when it rained, the truck drivers transporting aggregate would travel on the right hand side when travelling to Mespo and instruct the other drivers to move to the left side. It makes sense because the other vehicles are light and would hopefully not slip over as easily.
Any vehicle with passengers can go over. Students commute there in buses which are filled. Someone can also slip over while walking, especially at night. There is no street light in this area.
I would also like to mention the huge rocks and bluffs which glide down from the banks on the journey from Mespo to Yambou.
We should not wait until there is a catastrophe before we attend to these serious issues.
I travel on this road everyday and I am quite cognisant of the situation. Those in authority, please assist the residents and the number of motorists who travel through the area but are unaware of the danger which lurks in the valley.
Thank you for your swift intervention.
A Concerned Resident