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Tale of the two major political parties

Tale of the two major political parties

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Elections are upon us. Here are our problems with our main contenders:

Unity Labour Party

1. Rampant victimisation- it is known, it is present. Let us not pretend otherwise.

2. Decreased opportunity for youth- the rate of unemployment and disgruntlement amongst youth is an all-time high.

3. Blatant disregard for the law, processes, policies, and procedures- it is known, evident, present. Let us not pretend otherwise.

4. Party favourites are the true economic beneficiaries and are the ones protected from sanctions.

New Democratic Party

1. Constant Ralph Based focus or rhetoric- this ULP/Ralph hatred although not endorsed formally by the NDP causes persons concern about what may happen if this hatred gets into power.

2. Apparent lack of zeal/zest- evidenced in their failure to unequivocally win over the youth vote

3. Talks of China- an all-round bad idea that should be moved away from immediately. It is disingenuous to ignore this.

4. Not having loud, clear, messages- who can as a second thought say what the message is?

A Free Thinking