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Tantan’s Love Box

Tantan’s Love Box

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EDITOR: The worried mom affectionately called Tantan, was concerned about her wayward overseas son. She knew that he had a problem with women, having multiple marriages. Yet his liaisons with women were notorious. She thought that threesome meant that he had three wives. Newscarriers told her that he is reputed to have said that women can be had at three for ten and this broke her heart.

She raised him up in the Church and had all expectations of him being a good boy. But what she was hearing about him was not good at all. He was even going after married folks. He did not have to take after his father,She prayed for him and longed to get a registered letter, a postcard, a telephone call, even a telegram. She might not have heard from him these past 4 1/2 years. As a shopkeeper, she was not a needy case, yet she yearned to know that her son cared.

Knowing that Tantan suffered from “Worries,” the shop attendants cooked up a plan to help Tantan feel better about her son. They took some goods from the shop, packed a box and had it delivered to Tantan telling her that that box came from her son with love. Tantan was so happy with this Love Box and was thus consoled.

Anthony Stewart, PhD