Provide us with the real School Report
EDITOR: This is an appeal to the authority in Education to provide us with the real school report for this year’s CSEC examination. What we really want to know is the proportion of students passing 5 or more subjects, including English and Mathematics. This should also be the basis for the ranking of our secondary schools.
Most institutions of higher learning require for entry 5 or more subject passes at the CSEC level, including English and Mathematics. Apparently, they have determined the minimum requirement that would be a good foundation and predictor for successful further studies.
Entry level jobs also value 5 subjects, including Mathematics and English, as the basis for judging whether new employees are trainable.
The question therefore is: “What minimum standards have we set to indicate an external measurement of success at secondary school?”
It is often said that too much emphasis is placed on external assessment and the school-based component of the assessment is becoming more prominent.
Secondary schools should teach a core of subjects that would give our students an advantage for further studies or the workplace. I am recommending the following core subjects:
1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Biology
4. Chemistry
5. Physics
Additionally, at least one skill or career subject should be taught. All are to be taught from form 1 to form 5, so that all students would develop a good foundation for further studies and a skill for entry level jobs. Computer Science should be a tool subject utilized in all other disciplines and need not be taught as a separate subject
Using this measure, we can determine how successful our students and schools are and take measures to correct any deficiency.
Anthony Stewart, PhD