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Let us work together to build St Vincent and the Grenadines

Let us work together to build  St Vincent and the Grenadines

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EDITOR: Now that elections are over, life continues. Both parties, I believe, are not happy with the results. NDP is disappointed that they were not able to take the reins of government, and the ULP, although returned to power, would have liked a better result.

We know that God sets up kings and brings down kings. Romans 13: 1 states “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power, but of God; the powers that be are ordained of GOD”. We know that the Lord has a purpose for granting the ULP another term in office.

Importantly, both parties must make a deep assessment and look at areas of weakness and try to do better. In the meantime, as Vincentians, we ought to seek to live together in peace. Let us put aside the malice and hatred because of party politics. After all, we are all Vincentians.

The results reflect the will of the people. It is a wake-up call for both parties. Maybe those who stayed at home saw no reason to vote anyone. All in all the Lord has spoken through the people. It is therefore time that we put aside our differences and work together.

Parliamentarians will come and go, but this country will remain. We as a people would still be around until such time of our departure. It therefore means we ought to love each other, be our brother’s keeper. Most importantly, let us not let partisan politics divide us. There is no doubt that the Lord spoke very clearly in these elections.

Therefore let us look up. Let us seek to remove the political division that exists. Let us reach out to each other regardless of political persuasion and most of all, let Christ reign in our hearts and in this nation.

Kennard King