Keeping the village connected virtually
EDITOR: 2020 has been a challenging year. This past July was 15 years since we had our very successful Villagers reunion in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG). This year we gathered together again and cheered each other up in this season of good cheer. This time, we celebrated the festive season by having a Virtual Villagers Holiday Reunion (VVHR) using the ZOOM technology on December 6, 2020. Thanks to all who participated. We also made sure to thank the ancestors.
There is an African Proverb that says:
“When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.”
Similarly, when Villagers die a wealth of good deeds and information
grind to a halt. It is up to the survivors to honor and preserve their memories.
In this vein, we thank them for the good examples that they have set for us to follow.
May they rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon them.
An Acrostic Prayer/Poem of Thanksgiving (VILLAGERS)
(V)ery grateful are we for the good values
(I)nculcated in us, O God, based on
(L)ove and kindness. We are thankful for
(L)ong-term friendships which we cherish
(A)nd ancestors who showed us the way.
(G)od, we ask you to bless them and we
(E)xpress our devotion to them as they
(R)emain in our hearts and
(S)tay with us, forever.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!!!
Cheryl Phills King.