Don’t be a contributor to the rise in Covid numbers
EDITOR: The attendance at funerals in this Covid-19 pandemic, continues to be one of concern. Amongst the physical distancing Protocols to be observed is a maximum of ten persons for inside gathering and 20 for the outside.
While churches have generally adhered to these protocols, it is unfortunate that funerals are allowed to have large gatherings, both inside and outside. To add fuel to flame, most persons who attend wear no mask and there is hardly any physical distancing. With the spike in the COVID-19 cases this can contribute largely to its rise.
We know that many would love to share their solidarity with the bereaved family and give support. However, we have to understand the times we are living in. Let us not be a contributor to the rise and even deaths from COVID-19. Thus, it is of importance that the protocols be followed.
As hard as it is, let us respect and adhere to the protocols for each one’s good. We should never reach the position
where police have to be present to ensure the protocols are observed. We ought to be more responsible.
There are many other things police can be occupied with rather than having to monitor and policing persons at funerals.
Both the bereaving relatives and the pastor in charge ought to come to an agreement concerning the amount in attendance. In some cases where possible social media can be used for those who are not in attendance. COVID-19 is no joke and should be taken seriously. Let’s have a reduction in the cases in this country by each one playing his/her part! Thank you.
Kennard King