Open Letter to the People and Judiciary of SVG – Luzette King should be banned
I have some concerns regarding members of the Vincentian diaspora scattered across the globe. The majority of people in this group have maintained close ties to the people on SVG through frequent travel and financial remittances. This relationship has been mutually beneficial to all involved.
However, there’s a small group who show very little respect or allegiance to the nation. These folks tend to flout the laws of SVG in ways they dare not in their respective host countries, particularly the USA.
I am particularly concerned about the Luzette King situation. It was quite disturbing to view her behavior on the airplane in the widely circulated video.
I have been residing in the USA for over four decades, and can say with certainty her behavior would not be tolerated here under any circumstances, and especially not in the midst of this pandemic.
National security is a top priority in most nations, if a person breaks past immigration and customs it could very likely involve the use of force to restrain them. I think the responding officers showed great restraint at her first attempt to enter the country. I also noticed the patience of the security and officials as they dealt with her on her second attempt.
Considering other factors like the pandemic as well as Soufriere, it is my belief that deporting her permanently from SVG is in the best interest of the country as your resources are stretched at this time.
Ms King consistently displays a shocking lack of respect for the laws of the nation.
In addition to her shenanigans at the airport, she has been disloyal to SVG on a number of prior occasions. Case in point, her writing of numerous letters to foreign entities protesting the government, our Prime Minister and SVG’s progress.
My status as a dual citizen is a privilege. Some folks carry two passports and assume they’re dual citizens, which is often not the case with naturalized Americans, who were born on SVG.
I believe it’s important to make this distinction, so they understand that when traveling home, it’s a privilege to be treated as a Vincentian national. Permanently banning her will bring that message home.
Ultimately, I am confident that the judiciary will apply the laws of SVG appropriately. It is my wish that you discontinue leniency towards those who disrespect the laws and nation of SVG.
Tricia Veronica Reddock