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Let us seek by God’s help to stop the hatred

Let us seek by God’s help to stop the hatred

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EDITOR: The many events and incidents in and around the world are but a reminder that life is short and death is sure.

The world is currently battling with the COVID 19 and various variants. There is rise in crimes and political unrest, earthquakes; man made and natural disasters are occurring around the world. These aforementioned have and continue to result in many deaths.

Sad, but true, very few are taking stock of their lives and realise the brevity of it. So we often take things for granted and live our lives as though it is eternal. But we are sleeping with death and one day the reality of it will hit as the bible says in Hebrew 9: 27, and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgement.

It is so sad we spend so much time pulling down one another and creating enemies over few trivial things, amongst them is politics. I guess we fail to realise that while we occupy our time and energy on these things we could be visited by death. Sometimes it is someone close to us or even a member of our family.

While we ought not to neglect the issues affecting us, the energy we spend on these things on a daily basis is indeed alarming to say the least. Would not it be nice if we spend half of those times focusing on something spiritual. Social media are flooded each day with so many negatives and hate; we wonder what is wrong with this world.

I would encourage us to look upward. Let us be prepared for death which can come to our home unannounced. Let us recognise the times we are living in and realise that world events are but a reminder that death is a certainty. It is therefore for us to be prepared and also live in peace and harmony. Added to that, let us not take our lives and each other for granted. Let us appreciate one another. Let us seek by God’s help to stop the hatred and replace it with love.

May God bless us all.

Kennard King