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The world has changed … but there is hope!

The world has changed … but there is hope!
(Before) No one was interested in having a female dog and, to compound matters, she had three legs. (After) “Three Legs” has been adopted and she will be migrating to the United States of America.

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EDITOR: The world has changed considerably…but there is still hope. The pandemic has made us into cold, cold human beings: we can no longer greet by way of shaking hands, or even share a warm embrace. And this distancing has made us heartless and emotionless.

Despite this, however, there are a few who still love and find a way to express that love…even when that love is extended to an animal.

About a year ago two friends of mine found a female dog and her three new-born pups in the bushes. One of the friends, who will be referred to here as “Tyler”, lived about a mile from where the dogs were found. At first the dogs were not very appreciative of the attention being paid to them, but, after “Tyler” had fed them a few meals, they warmed to him, though with some caution. Every day “Tyler” journeyed to their home in the bushes with cooked food! This continued for a few weeks and then, St Vincent was on a hurricane watch!
“Tyler” became more stressed than I had ever seen him. He doubled on his efforts to find immediate homes for the dogs because he was concerned that the dogs would not survive the harsh weather in the bushes. (He already had dogs at home and could not take care of more.)  At last he found a home for two pups.  But no one wanted one in particular. You see, no one was interested in having a female dog and, to compound matters, she had three legs. We understood later that an animal must have bitten off its leg.

Then Tyler reached out to the Vincentian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (VSPCA). By this time the weather had changed and the situation had become quite alarming. Thankfully, two members of the Association came and rescued the dogs, all cold and shivering with fright and fleas.

The mother has been spayed, “Three Legs” has been adopted and she will be migrating to the United States of America.

Our thanks to Lauren Gun-Munroe and to the Association for rescuing “Three Legs” and her mother.

This story may not mean much to many, but it is heartwarming and maybe out of this we can find it within us to be kind…even to animals.

Rhona Sardine