THE FOLLOWING ARE comments that appeared on an article titled “Unvaccinated teachers who turn up for work will not be paid”, which was published ONLINE in the MIDWEEK Searchlight on December 7, 2021.
This tyrant still has power because the people are complying. He needs a dose of non compliance and the Martinique/Guadeloupe method!
— Sam Alex
Some of [those] same teachers vote help put you in power and look at the payment they getting back. Are yo take that boom. More to come
— Gaileen Peters Campbell
This is so wrong, the children are not vaccinated and if the teachers willing to work and they work you are going to withdraw their checks. How you get this powerful, so much so that you continue to wickedly take bread from poor people mouth while you and your family living large. You can do all you want but not as long as you want, remember it is the people who vote for you and when the time is right I hope they do the right thing and vote you out. Please stop, leave the teachers let them go teach our children not to be like you.
— Marlene Young-Culzac
PM you look restless …. Take your seat . The way you treat these teachers is unacceptable… Is a nation of dunce you looking for in this country.
— Belinda Williams Telfer
…and the Judas Goat coming to talk about he cares for children… This tyrant is showing himself more and more and we will live to see God bring judgment on him, his children who support his tyranny, and all of his wicked servants.
— Shefflorn Ballantyne
All the Teachers on the Island should stand in Solidarity together, he cannot sack all of them they need to support each other.
— Genita Reid
Imagine as a prime minister he is proud of saying he will not pay the people who turn up to teach! What a dark disappointment he is!?! Shameful shameful shameful to speak like this of your citizens who put you there!!!!…I am fully vaccinated by choice and I have encouraged very many people to get vaccinated, but at the end of the day I do believe people should have a choice in any decision they make and it is important to educate and give the necessary information to help people make a decision- if after that they still decide to not have it, then we have to RESPECT that decision! But as a leader to be happy that you will not be paid or be out of a job because you make a decision that is not in keeping with his ideology is like wishing death and destruction to all unvaccinated! People of SVG this man is not a leader! I’m embarrassed and dismayed to call myself Vincentian!
— Joseph Lizzy Maxwell
Read full story on www.searchlight.vc