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Good hospitality was shown to the President of India on his visit to SVG

Good hospitality was shown to the President of India on his visit to SVG

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EDITOR: The visit to SVG by the Indian President is indeed a historic one.

SVG is a state with people of several backgrounds. It was indeed a welcome visit and one that would have brought more recognition to the Indian population.

Calder at one time was almost 100 percent Indians and so the naming of the street, “India Drive” was good. However, throughout the years, times have changed and as a result the Indian population has dwindled. Also the racial prejudice that existed between the Indians and Negros seem to no longer exist. If it does it is in small pockets.

The hospitality shown to the President and his team was good and so compliments must be given to the government and organizers. A disappointing factor is the small percentage of Indians that were present at the farewell reception. I know that we are one and there should be no discrimination, but it was a bit questionable why Indians present at the function [were] in the minority.

Sometime ago the Indian Heritage Foundation was calling for a holiday to mark the Indians arrival in SVG. I would like to strengthen their call and ask that the 1st June, the Indians arrival day be declared a holiday. This will revive the recognition of Indians in SVG as a people being recognized.

I know that many of the practices and languages of the Indians are lost and no one seems to have taken it on board to educate and advance them.

Deepening the diplomatic relationship with India is welcome. We know in early years when we had very few local doctors that this country was well served by doctors from India. So we as a nation have a long history of relationship with India.

Kennard King