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Domestic violence

Domestic violence

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Catapulted into eternity
with one stroke of a knife,
Wiped out by a bullet to the heart
Or beaten with fists and assaulted with staves,
Women are victims of abuse, mayhem, and strife.
A vicious cycle created,
the abuse continues unabated,
a never-ending circle.
This is a snippet of the life
of women abused, and misused,
battered and bruised.
Objects of “so-called” love and care,
they lack the will, and seeped in fear
they endure, hoping for a better tomorrow.
A dream unfulfilled; buried sorrow.
Where can we find the solution,
and what can be the substitution
for cruelty and savagery,
Against women representing wives or lovers;
caregivers and mothers,
educators and partners,
The queen of our homes?
What can replace the ferocity and barbarity,
the brutality and fury
of men, who from the days of old
were admonished to cherish and respect,
be considerate and protect
the women with whom God had blessed
We need to go back to basics!
Where the principle of socialization
is embedded with the Godly persuasion
that LOVE is the cornerstone of our lives,
and peace and harmony will ensure our women survive.
Then, our people will divorce from the beastly nature
of heartless and bloodthirsty behaviour,
and value what we call LIFE!

By: Gwenette Cambridge