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Do you have marketing manners?

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Do you have marketing manners? Do you pause to say ‘thank you’ to your customers on a regular basis?

‘Thank you’ – two little, but powerful words in building relationships and creating memorable experiences with a customer. Recognize it for what it’s worth; use it, and it will pay dividends. As you revise your marketing strategy, make sure to include a ‘thank you policy’ for your business.

Harvey Mackay said “Anyone too busy to say thank you will get fewer and fewer chances to say it.” If ‘thank you’ is the only marketing tool you can afford at this time, here are a few creative ways to use it.

n Go through your records and identify the customers who have supported your business through the good and bad times and say ‘thank you’.

n Give a loyal customer an unexpected discount.

n If your company has access to customers birth dates, send a birthday greeting; however, a hand signed card will create an unforgettable experience.

n Send a customized gift, using information you may have gathered during your interaction with customers. For example, a recipe book to a restaurant that patronizes your business.

n Stay in touch. Send a “what’s up” email or make a brief call to find out what customers have been doing if you haven’t heard/seen them for a while.

n Share knowledge with no strings attached.

Searchlight’s Midweek publication presents another opportunity to attract attention to your businesses. Advertisers of 1/4 page or more can also share relevant tips with their customers alongside their ad.

Contact us today at or (784) 456-1558 or (784) 494-0031. We’ll help you get noticed.