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‘Why did you give John Doe best plumber in the Best of SVG?’

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In this edition of Prime the Pump, I’ll be addressing some frequently asked questions about Best of SVG and share with you some feedback we received from the Auditors as it relates to the 2018 Best of SVG People’s Choice Awards.

However, before I go there, people are already asking about new categories for 2019. That decision is based on popular suggestions from the public and whether the category would stimulate a wide cross section of people to make nominations.

We’ve already received suggestions like traffic wardens, newspaper vendors, fish vendors… all of which will be tabled for discussion. If you have a suggestion, call us or message us on Facebook. We’d happy to hear from you.

‘Why did you give John Doe best plumber? What does John Doe know about Plumbing?’ is an example of the type of question we have been asked.

Interactive Media Ltd was not responsible for awarding any title in the Best of SVG. The results were published as received from the independent auditors and reflected the choices of voters.
The Auditors were responsible for securing, evaluating and counting the ballots and for preparing the results.

How were the winners determined? The winner was the entity with the most valid nominations in each category. We set no criteria to guide voters in terms of which individuals, businesses or organizations they should nominate. However, we do urge that people only recommend products and services they have experienced personally.

Were there terms and conditions? Yes. Voting must be on an original official entry ballot form. Each ballot must have an authentic name and address or telephone number. Voters must vote only once.

The auditors reported that 10 times more ballots were received this year. However, several ballots had no contact details and there were some duplications. In those cases, the ballots were voided by the Auditors. Also, in many cases, only the nominees first or last name or an alias was given, making the validation process more tedious.

All things considered, the public’s appreciation for Best of SVG is tremendous and we are committed to working even harder to ensure greater success in the future.