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Newspaper advertising vs radio advertising – And the winner is…

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One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is to think that people hardly read newspapers, therefore, radio advertising alone will do it.
Consumers are inundated with advertising messages from various media – billboards, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, Internet, word of mouth… The question is how you’re going to ensure that your message cuts through the clutter to reach your target audience?

While it is true that there has been a slight decline in newspaper readers since the rise of digital media, newspaper remains the tried and true and the most reliable marketing option. However, to get the best results from your marketing campaign you must use a “media mix”.

Mansi Media in an article “Radio versus Newspaper, examines benefits of pairing radio and newspaper advertising:

∑ Newspapers are a good reach medium boasting strong circulation, penetration and readership. Radio is a frequency medium, allowing advertisers to reach a small segment of the population over and over again. 

∑ The strength and integrity of the printed word lends credibility to newspaper advertising. The sound and emotion associated with the spoken word enhances radio advertising.

∑ Newspapers offer a variety of ad sizes and non-traditional ad units, allowing for creative customization and flexibility. An advertiser can convey as much, or as little, detail and information as necessary. Similarly, radio offers a variety of ad sizes from 10-second sponsorships to 30-second spots, and full 60-second commercial spaces.

∑ Both newspapers and radio are flexible when it comes to scheduling.  There is little lead time required to place an ad, and advertising can be changed quickly, and repeatedly, if necessary.
The beauty of teaming up with both newspaper and radio in an advertising campaign is that together they can fully target a particular audience with the least amount of wasted advertising effort or budget. So the winner… newspaper and radio advertising is good, but together they are powerful.

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